Winter Meetings

Invicta organise a full program of meetings throughout the winter months. 

Members please note:
Following requests for an earlier start, meetings will begin at 7.30 pm this autumn (Doors open 7pm). All Meetings on Thursday unless otherwise stated.

Venue: Harston Village Hall, 20 High Street, Harston CB22 7PX   (unless otherwise specified)

Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm

All meetings free to members; visitors welcome £5 including a beer or soft drink.


2024/25 Season

24th October –Season Review

David Moore will give a  presentation on the Club’s activities and participation.  Your opportunity for questions and to share experiences  and meet other members.

Also Fly  Fishing and Fly Tying Tackle Sale. Please bring along  any items in need of a new home

21st November-John Poote

Fly Tying Demonstration
John Poote , from the Chiltern Group of the Fly Tyers’ Guild will be tying  a range of flies  focused on  still waters and demonstrating some novel techniques.

12th December-John Wadham

The Ecology of Rutland Water
John is  very well known figure at Rutland Water, a long time and successful angler. He has been involved in some very  recent  research into the changing patterns of invertebrate life in the reservoir , and will share this with us.


9th January-Craig Barr

Reservoir Fishing
Following  his brother’s  popular visit last year Craig ,ace  stillwater and all round angler, guide and proprietor of FlashAttackFlies will  share some of his experiences and answer your questions

13th February-tba       ?Tropical Saltwater Fly Fishing

13th March – Annual update by AW and AGM

2023/24 Season

19th October –Fly tying materials sale, plus  Season Review with some of our most experienced members on hand to pass on some of their knowledge. An opportunity to purchase some bargain fly tying material at rock bottom prices.

November 16th – Simon Kidd (Snowbee). How technology has changed fly fishing.

December 14th – Rob Mungovan. Protecting our rivers – Projects in East Anglia.

For our December meeting we have Rob Mungovan , Wild Trout Trust’s Conservation Officer for the East of England, coming to bring us up to date with the work of the Trust and the  projects with which Rob has been involved. We hear so much  dispiriting news about our waterways  and the outrageous behaviour of those charged with looking after our water, that the positive work done by local groups and the WTT  can get missed. Come along to our last meeting before Christmas to hear some good news as well as the realities faced by all of us who care about our rivers and stillwaters.

Rob has also  said he  will bring along a range of Fly Tying equipment/ materials which have been  donated to WTT and  which he is keen to sell at bargain prices to raise money for the cause .  Bring along your spare cash and set yourself up  for the winter tying season. Rob has also invited anyone who has  any specific items on their   flytying wish list to let him know direct; he will then try to include these.

His email is

See you Thursday



January 10th (Wednesday) Ian Barr. Well know and high profile speaker. Please note change of day and venue. This will be a joint meeting with GWFFA at Grafham Lodge. (Refreshments and maybe chips will be available) Not to be missed. 

February 15th – TBA- hopefully a fly tying demonstrator.

March 7th – ‘Q&A on prospects for the new season’.

2022/23 Season

20th October – Fly tying materials sale  and Season Review.

Some of our most experienced members giving tips and answering questions. Also an opportunity to purchase some bargain fly tying material at rock bottom prices.

10th November – Al Owen (Rutland Guide) Fly Tying and Competition Fishing.
After unfortunately having to cancel last year due to covid, Al is coming to pass on his many years of experience and tie amongst others his famous ‘Al Owen Buzzer’.

8th December – Rob Mungovan. Protecting our Rivers. Rob is a Conservation Officer from the Wild Trout Trust and will focus on his projects with them in the east of England. This is another speaker who was booked last year but covid prevented him coming.


12th January – Ifor Jones (Director of Draycote, Eyebrook and Thornton) Managing Trout Fisheries and Foreign Adventures

16th February – Lee Hooper (Competition secretary for the Fly Dressers Guild)

9th March – AGM and The Season Ahead with Katherine Keating, Grafham Water Park- Operations Manager- Managing a team of over 50 staff, volunteers and 1500 acres.

2021/22 Season

14th October – Review of the season and Tackle sale.  A panel of our most experienced members giving tips and answering questions. Also an opportunity to bring along any items of tackle that you would like to sell and maybe have the chance to pick up a bargain.

11th November – Al Owen. Important notice- Unfortunately we have had to cancel this meeting as Al has had Covid-19 diagnosed in the family  

9th December –Tom Bird.  Dry fly fishing and Draycote. Tom is likely to include a tying demo.


13th January –Rob Mungovan. Rob is a Conservation Officer from the Wild Trout Trust and will focus on his projects with them in the east of England.

10th FebruaryLindsay Simpson. Well know for his angling and fantastic Utube site on fly fishing and fly tying, Lindsay is in high demand as a speaker. Not to be missed.

10th March – Annual General Meeting

2019/20 Season

17th October – Tackle Sale and Season Review

A panel of our most experienced members giving tips and answering questions. Also an opportunity to bring along any items of tackle that you would like to sell and maybe have the chance to pick up a bargain.

14th November  – Jeff Wilkinson

Jeff Wilkinson runs Razor Sharp Flies. He ties quality flies commercially to order and also supplies a limited range of fly tying materials prepared by himself. He is perhaps one of the most innovative and creative fly tyers and is also a successful angler on the competition scene and is a regular fisherman at Grafham and Farmoor.

12th December

Please note that this meeting has unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the general election. The hall at Harston is a polling station. We hope to be able to rebook Al Owen for next season.


9th January – Invicta Annual Social and Buffet at the Arundel House Hotel

23rd January – Don Stazicker (Trout and Salmon)

Don is a highly experienced instructor and fly tyer based in the Derbyshire Peaks – a man who really knows his rivers. He has guided extensively in both the UK and USA.

13th February –Rob Edmunds

Rob is very well known in the fly fishing world and is an ex England International.  He is acknowledged as probably the best still water trout fisherman in the country and is a regular contributor to ‘Trout Fisherman’ magazine.

12th March – AGM and Anglian Water Update


Reports on each meeting appear on the ‘Winter Meeting Reports’ menu.

During the Winter and Spring, it is planned to hold pre-season ‘Casting Clinics’ and ‘Fly Tying sessions’ for Members on a couple of Saturdays at Grafham. Details and dates will appear on the Noticeboard page.

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